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Emails… The well-proven marketing trend!

Email Marketing

Changing the marketing process of public and private companies for the best, “@” has swept the internet world several decades ago.

Email marketing is not only considered as the oldest marketing tool, but also the most popular one now, in which your business cannot advance without a deliberate email marketing strategy. To help you understand the true value of email campaigns and give you additional encouragement to improve the marketing performance of your business, this article is going to provide you with a few things about this communication tool.

What is email marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses emails to promote the products and services of your business. It helps make your customers aware of the latest items and offers that you provide. It can also play a pivotal role in educating people more about your brand and keeping them engaged during the buying process.

It all started in 1971, with the first email sent by the computer programmer “Ray Tomlinson”. The message was just a series of numbers and letters, but it was the beginning of a new era of communication. However, it is worth noting that “Tomlinson” is the person who introduced “@” symbol to email addresses.

The evolution of e-mail marketing:

In 1978, Director of Marketing at “Digital Equipment Corporation”, “Gary Thuerk”, used this new method of direct communication by sending the first commercial email to inform people of a new product. The email list at the time contained only 400 addresses, but this list gained about $ 13 million.

By the 1990s, the Internet became available to everyone. After that, the way people communicate with each other started to change drastically, and marketers have discovered that email can be an effective medium for advertising. The emergence of marketing emails has also created an urgent need for organizational updates; For example, UK data protection law has been amended to require an ‘unsubscribe’ option for all marketing emails.

The importance of email marketing:

Although email marketing is an old-fashioned tool, does this mean the end of it?

With the digital revolution occupying our lives today, using artificial intelligence, virtual reality and digital tools, you might think for a moment that email marketing has become an ancient history. If you did this, I recommend that you need to think about it again. Email marketing is still strong today, and it is probably the best possible strategy for your business. Need a proof?

Outperforming social media, email marketing continues to be ranked as the most effective marketing channel, and major global companies rely on it as their primary means of communication. Why do they give it this priority? Simply, according to studies done in 2019, every dollar spent on email marketing has an expected return of $ 59, which is a good number that makes business owners go for it today.

Well, I mentioned at the beginning that this type of marketing is the oldest method used, but despite the fact of being as old as the hills, why is it considered as one of the most effective marketing strategies today?


I think the answer is all about the fact that people use emails more than other basic communication platforms. Conversely, 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing strengthens the bonds of trust with customers.

This is why creating a successful email marketing campaign is more important than ever for entrepreneurs.

However, there is a problem that prevents business owners from achieving the desired results. Actually, they do not know how to properly run these campaigns, as they may misuse them. Here, it is necessary to resort to someone who takes on this task professionally like the experts of our creative team at Shibly Marketing, contact us!

How many e-mail users around the world?

Did you know that there are about four billion active email users today? This means the half of the world’s population uses email messages for personal and professional communication, so you have the best key in your hands to improve your business through this important number. Don’t forget this!

Let me make things clearer for you by showing you how awesome this number really is in this simple comparison. For example, “Facebook” is by far the largest social platform in the world, but it has “only” two billion users. Did you see the difference between them? This is a sufficient evidence that emphasizes the superiority of email marketing in the digital world.

Unlike “Facebook”, on which brands share public posts with everyone, email marketing gives customers a sense of privacy with emails holding their names. This feeling will make customers open the mail and read it, so that business owners will achieve direct targeting and guarantee the success of their marketing campaigns.

The main idea is that email campaigns give you the opportunity to reach almost every consumer. Truth be told, there is no other communications network can outpace emails, so you should definitely prioritize this marketing tool and place it at the top of your marketing strategy.

In fact, four billion users is just the start that gives you a huge advantage in terms of attracting more leads. First, you need to get targeted addresses, but it is much easier to gather hundreds or even thousands of verified leads if nearly every consumer relies on email for communication purposes.

What empowers this process?


Copywriting is the most important component of email marketing. From the subject to the text of your emails, every detail needs to be perfect if you want to keep the audience engaged, and inspire them to take appropriate actions.

It all starts with the topic of your subject since nearly 50% of users decide to open email messages based on subject lines. But this is only the first step as your copy needs to be clear, concise and actionable.

Successful email writing strategy

The best way to write great email in a few simple, easy, but powerful steps:


  1. Create a direct and concise topic title.
  2. Divide the text of the email into smaller paragraphs to improve readability.
  3. Avoid using clichés, the passive voice and buzzwords.
  4. Explain the purpose of your email and add an appropriate call-to-action.

        Email marketing is actually a double-edged weapon, if you do not use it well, it will negatively affect your business. Your client isn’t a robot… Don’t forget to customize and personalize your business email texts!

The best email marketing messages

Bring customers closer to you, the best engaging audience emails are those that have a personal touch in them. To better engage your audience, it’s important to create personalized messages. Personalization can mean anything in split email campaigns, but including the recipient’s name in the subject line is the best example of it. According to statistics, email list segmentation and custom emails have been one of the most effective parts of email strategies today.

If your business is a small company with a decent email list, you can take personalization to the next level. With people receiving dozens of different promotional emails at any time, try to target your message more specifically to individual groups or people involved in your campaigns, which helps you focus more directly on your target audience.

By sending segmented messages with personalized written content, you have a better chance of attracting individuals to interact with your emails. This gives you a better opportunity to convert them into permanent customers.

Are you going to add an email campaign to your marketing strategy for 2021? If you don’t know how and where to start, Shibly Marketing will help you with that .

Contact us.

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