Pay per click ads in Abu Dhabi. إعلانات الدفع بالنقرة

Pay per click ads: The top five PPC companies!

As you browse the Internet, an attractive advertisement for digital watches pops on Google, you click on it to reach a landing page and make the purchase. Congratulations, the product is yours!

But, have you ever wondered what these ads are and why they appear to you?

In fact, 75% of users click on ads because it helps them find the information they need more easily.

64% of people click on Google ads to purchase an item online.

Pay Per Click Definition:

It is an online marketing model in which advertisers pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked. Basically, it’s a way to buy traffic to your site, rather than trying to “earn” those traffic naturally.

  • Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of pay per click advertising.
  • It allows trademark ads to appear in search engine sponsored links when someone searches for a keyword associated with their offer of business. For example; if we bid for the keyword “Shibly Marketing pay per click pricing”, our ad may appear at the top of the “Google” results page for those who search for “pay per click pricing”.


Pay Per Click Advantages:

79% of marketers say PPC is hugely beneficial for their business, since it offers:

  1. You only pay when they click:

The biggest problem with most ad models is that you pay for the offer directly before you achieve any results. On the other hand, with pay per click, you only pay when a customer clicks on your ad to direct him/her to your website or landing page.

  1. Increase the number of visits and sales on the website:

As much as SEO and social media can be the main sources of generating steady streams of organic traffic and increasing sales, both strategies can take a long time to work. After all, since PPC marketing can give you a first page view in less than 24 hours, you can instantly start driving traffic to your website.

  1. Amazing targeting options:

Many advertisers take a varied approach to “Google Ads” to test and ensure full coverage across networks and the types of targeting that can gain brand recognition.

This ranges from targeting keywords through text ads, to running ads through remarketing based on their past behaviors, or focusing on the specific demographics of the audience on the display network.

  • By testing and trying a combination of all of the above, you can gain more benefits from Google’s ads and get a greater chance of appearing while still targeting your potential audience more directly.


  1. Data treasure:

With so much data and performance information available directly on “Google ads”, the benefit is not limited to ROI. The impression, click, and conversion data for each keyword can be used in developing your SEO strategy and content marketing efforts.

Moreover, you can use the built-in keyword planner and presentation planner tools to find where your audience is.

You can also indicate where your competitors are with tools such as “Spyfu”, “KeywordSpy” and “Ispionage” to build a strong profile of what you face and what market shares you can gain.

  1. Effectiveness and reporting:

 PPC platforms like “Google Ads” and “Bing Ads” give you all the tools you need to run your campaigns, collaborate with your teammates, and analyze your data and results (reporting).

This is a very special business advantage because without proper tools and reports, your ad becomes like swimming in the sea with your eyes and ears closed, how would you find your way?

Proper tools and marketing strategy can provide you with the desirable results.

  1. Competitive advantage:

If your site does not rank well in the search engines, you can still promote your company through Pay Per Click [PPC].

With this type of marketing, you can gain a competitive advantage even if you have just launched your website. This is one of the most important PPC benefits for startups, as it allows them to compete with companies that have been around for decades.

Pay-per-click ads in Abu Dhabi or elsewhere.

How much does PPC cost?

The cost of an effective Google Ads campaign depends on two factors:

  1. Your budget for the “Google Ads” program:

You set a maximum budget for your “Google” campaign. “Google” is paid and consumed when search visitors click on your ads. The cost of each click is determined by “Google” based on the quality of the ads and the features that advertisers choose.

  1. “Google ads” management fees:

These are the fees payable to  Shibly Marketing for our services in setting up and optimizing your Google Ads campaign, contact us!



In the digital world, there is a competition between “search engine marketing” and “pay per click” and “cost per click”, so what is the difference between them?

Cost per click (CPC):

CPC bidding means that you pay for every click that you receive on your ads. For CPC campaigns, you need to specify your maximum CPC bid or simply the “maximum cost per click” which is the highest amount you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you set bid adjustments, or use ECPC).

  • The maximum CPC is the highest amount that you will be charged for the click, but often you will be charged less and sometimes much less, and the final amount that will be charged to you for the click, is called Actual CPC.


Pay per click or search engine marketing?

Since both fields are interested in promoting via search engines, there is a tendency to use them interchangeably. While PPC ads tend to relate specifically to the type of ads you see at the top of the search results page, search engine marketing is an umbrella term that covers many different types of promotion through search engines.

Search engine marketing includes both paid and organic digital marketing strategies. The ultimate goal of search engine marketing is to increase business visibility on major search engines. It includes search engine optimization and PPC ads.

On the other hand, PPC refers to online paid ads where you don’t pay for the ad to be displayed on the search results page. Instead, you pay every time someone clicks on that ad to reach your website or landing page.

How does pay per click work?

Advertisers pay a fee every time internet users click on a paid ad.

Basically, advertisers pay for website visits rather than generating clicks through organic traffic. This can increase or decrease depending on various factors in your campaign.

The success of PPC ads depends on their relevance. If your ad is relevant to users, it will attract more clicks. When the campaign is fully optimized and relevant to your target audience, you have a better chance of achieving your goals, such as:

  • Spreading greater brand awareness
  • Generating more potential clients
  • Increasing sales


The best pay-per-click ad networks:

  1. Google Ads:

Google always remains the leader in this game. In fact, Google has a massive 78% market share of the global PPC ads market. 3.5 billion searches are done every day, that’s 1.2 trillion every year.

  1. Microsoft / Bing ads:

Being at the second place on search engine game is not bad, is it?

Well, it has been proven that Bing Ads has a cheaper CPC than Google. For cheap pay-per-click ad networks, Microsoft is a suitable option to start your ad campaigns.

Bing Ads has a market share of 36% in the US and 20% in the UK. The platform features 6.4 billion searches per month, including more than 127 million searches results that were not found by Google.

  1. Facebook Ads:

In the social media arena, Facebook Ads offers a PPC advertising network with some amazing targeting capabilities. Since Facebook does not rely on search, as targeting depends on specific interests, demographics and location data.

It continues to be popular among small and medium businesses as a “pay per click” platform. With 1.62 billion people using Facebook every day and 2.62 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide, it is unlikely that Facebook will disappear from our lives soon.

  1. Instagram Ads:

Well, yes, Instagram ads can be published via Facebook Ads. However, this huge advertising platform includes a section of its own because you don’t necessarily need a Facebook account to start running ads on Instagram.

Why to use ‘Instagram ads’? As a marketing platform of this kind, it has a higher click rate than any other social media platform. There are over 1 billion monthly active users with the majority of whom (more than 70%) are under 35 years.

  1. LinkedIn Ads:

This social media network [LinkedIn Ads] has incredibly won the hearts of decision makers. Actually, this platform is not only for job seekers, since it embraces educated and engaged people from all over the world, including business decision makers of all levels.

If you run account-based marketing campaigns, or even if you’re looking to build brand awareness, LinkedIn is your best choice. It has more than 575 million users worldwide, of whom 260 million are monthly active and about 44 % of all LinkedIn users earn more than $ 75,000 a year.


In fact, the list of PPC ads sites goes on and it will be covered in our upcoming articles.

In short, pay per click ads have proven to be a reliable and profitable channel for many B2B and B2C businesses, non-profits and other companies seeking fast, high-quality traffic and conversions.

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